10.03.2019 - Round 1 results of our "A Love Letter For FreeBASIC" game dev competition have been published. Please be sure to check the results thread: http://games.freebasic.net/forum/index.php?topic=629.0. Don't forget that the competition is continuing with a round 2, lasting till 29th of April, 300 USD first prize. Stay tuned!

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Topics - Brick Break

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General Discussion / I am PISSED at Gamespot's review of games
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:39:03 PM »
They game Socom: US Navy SEALs an 8.9. 8.9! That game's fucking horrible! And Jak 2 a 9.1. It's a good game, but not that good.

I can excuse the reviews of Extermination and City Crisis. They're Japanese games, and as such how can you give them a great/accurate review?

Still though, Gamespot doesn't give nods to the sexuality or culture of the games. For instance, Future Tactics is British. Fucking British! All of the characters speak with thick accents, and nobody seems to notice? Also, they don't even mention the hot girls in Jak 2 and 3, and yet they play up From Russia With Love as being full of hot women. It's not!

In the end, Gamespot is an unreliable site with a bunch of different reviewers who don't even get around to reviewing all the games. Why not just have one guy review a complete platform? Instead, they go comparing the graphics between versions. Sure, XBox's graphics are superior, but they seem to have the PS2 and GameCube confused. PS2 is way better than GameCube, but they seem to think the complete opposite!

Also, I don't like how they go with the pop culture. Red Faction is a popular game, but is it as good as Half-Life? No! It rips off Half-Life! They also say that Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best game. It's not! I've found more enjoyment with Halo, as a lot of people have, and Half-Life is even better than Halo, so what's so great about OOT?

I think one of the problems may be that they're trying to be family friendly and name games that "everyone will enjoy"- everyone except me! There are so many old faggots on there that probably started their professional careers in the age when Atari 2600 was around, and yet they never give nod to the great Atari 2600 games! They're simplistic, glitchy, and fun, but instead Gamespot has to go ranking on some Xbox 360 game like it has "bad graphics". Are graphics that are 5 years outdated bad? No! Are graphics that are 15 years outdated bad? Certainly! Ocarnia of Time has terrible graphics!

Now, please answer my question from another site:
What firstperson PS2 game doesn't make you do anything and has sex and shooting and a level editor and online play and humor and great graphics and stuff and ISN'T a movie?

General Discussion / Thoughts on aliens
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:48:55 PM »
We know what we know, but why don't those assholes come down and say hello? They can travel over here, they have traveled over here, and they can probably speak our language, I mean why not, right?

Religion generally speaks in terms of frames of reality, but aliens are concrete! Aliens exist within this frame of reality! Aliens are there, close enough that they could travel here, and they probably have, but why not abduct more people? Make themselves known? Something?

The only way to bring yourself to a full realization of the concept of reality is to kill yourself, but to make contact with aliens, you can use rational, scientific means.

Aliens are NOT figments of our imagination! If we tried a little harder, we could talk to them! We could request they take us on trips! We're probably an object of fascination to them!

I'm not talking about giant gas clouds or other bullshit like that. I'm talking about humanoid beings. Advanced, carbon-based life forms. They come from other planets and have space ships. Sure, we're advanced carbon-based humanoid beings with space ships, but they've come all the way over here! Another galaxy is a lot further than the moon! In fact, I think they are in this galaxy! I think they are within a few solar systems of us, maybe one! Maybe they are just one solar system away, watching us through telescopes, taking trips here, and are partaking in intergalactic commerce! Like Eve Online or even Star Wars! They hop in their space ship like we hop in a car! Easy! We're probably just a step away from participating in intergalactic business. We will sell the center of the universe to the highest bidder. He will use that power to give us eternal life.

General Discussion / Java question
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:47:21 AM »
Hey everybody, sorry about the bad reputation and all. Water under the bridge, right?

Anyhow, I have this friend who's asking questions on the internet about why Java 1.0 mouse events aren't working in Internet Explorer. I think I know the answer, but just to be sure I'd like to see if there's a workaround. Can any of you make it work? He doesn't want to use Java 1.1.

General Discussion / Enter Sampson and Gregory
« on: January 24, 2011, 07:03:12 PM »
Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals.
No, for then we should be colliers.
I mean, and we be in choler, we'll draw.
Aye, while you live, draw your neck out of collar.
I strike quickly, being moved.
But thou art not quickly moved to strike.
A dog of the house of Montague moves me.
To move is to stir; and to be valiant is to stand: therefore, if thou art moved, thou runn'st away.
A dog of that house shall move me to stand! I will take the wall of any man or maid of Montague's.
That shows thee a weak slave; for the weakest goes to the wall.
'Tis true, and therefore women, being the weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall; therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.
The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.
'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be civil with the maids, and cut off their heads.
The heads of the maids?
Aye, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads; take it in what sense thou wilt.
They must take it in sense that feel it.
Me they shall feel while I am able to stand, and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh.
'Tis well thou art not fish; if thou hadst, thou hadst been poor-John. Draw thy tool! here comes two of the house of the Montagues.

General Discussion / The @pp$st0r3 and eye ph0ne development
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:20:56 PM »
Hello, everyone. After asking for help on a certain site, I have decided that the aforementioned topic is almost impossible on Windows. Using a certian software d3velopment kit related to dr0gons and fire, it appears that it may be possible, but it requires a lot of clicking, and Apple may not allow it.

I feel like I am almost out of options here. I don't have a m$c, and even if I did it wouldn't be able to run the ten . s11x. Do you get what I'm playing at?

I need to rake this c0w of cash.

Competitions / Happy new year! About that contest-
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:31:35 AM »
When does it end? An exact date was never given. Is there a specific date when it's over? January could be any time this month.

General Discussion / I should just cut my dick off
« on: December 19, 2010, 08:06:20 PM »
I'm not using it for anything.

General Discussion / Mac and Linux support (not FreeBASIC relevant)
« on: December 01, 2010, 02:20:31 PM »
So, I was reading the TGC newsletter. Turns out they'll be releasing an app toolkit soon that will export to iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac and Symbian. Some of these platforms use Java ME, so The Game Creators hasn't completely abandoned open source. However, there is SOMETHING MISSING.
Linux is not mentioned anywhere on there. Why not? I assume because Linux users aren't a profitable audience for people looking to make a quick buck. However, Symbian is supported, which makes up the majority of mobile phones for people who don't have money, so why not Linux? Well, upon closer examination, I came up with this:

-Mobile phones have app stores
-Windows has Intel AppUp(tm)
-Mac has I don't know what (good old Apple)

But there is no chinky jewmarket for Linux devices. People who make apps don't have publishers, so they depend on app stores to sell them in, like a Chinese flea market. That means Linux is not profitable, at least for small time developers. So, that brings me to my next question.
Why is it that there are no commercial game development solutions made for open source developers? I know it sounds crazy, but hippies are consumers too. People like us will buy stuff to make games, we'll buy big expensive computers, etc. etc. but we'll use those investments to make a bunch of free software! We're mad when our favorite open source platform, Linux, isn't supported by a toolkit that supports almost everything else. (Given, Java SE isn't supported as far as I know). Linux is huge, and they'll lose business not supporting it.

Work In Progress / 2020
« on: November 14, 2010, 07:03:58 PM »

2020 is my entry in this competition. It features no sound, because I will never EVER understand mciSendStringA.

ballz ballz ballz ballz ballz ballz ballz ballz


General Discussion / Why, JavaScript, why?
« on: November 10, 2010, 09:07:32 PM »
After an hour of trying to implement linear time delays in a way that doesn't freeze the browser, I ended up with this:
Code: [Select]
code+='var tl1=window.setInterval(function(){if(g2g==2){g2g=0;window.setTimeout(function(){g2g=1},fspeed);var tl=window.setInterval(function(){if(g2g==1){if(uno.style.background==\'#000000\'){uno.style.background=\'#FFFFFF\'}else{uno.style.background=\'#000000\'}g2g=2;window.clearInterval(tl)}},1);window.clearInterval(tl1)}},1);';

Needless to say, it doesn't work. Why can't we have a sandboxed, linear object oriented programming language? Why can't I implement timers in a thread? Why does Mozilla limit the nesting of setTimeout calls to 5? WHY 5? Why does IE always slow down to a grinding half whenever something like this comes up? I know very well that Java is capable of this. It has multithreading, event listeners, and timers! Oh, but no, everybody wants to kill Java because it threaten's Microsoft's edge and the game industry's foothold! I suppose Flash could do this, but Apple doesn't want to include it on their iPhones! Why does there always have to be a catch? It seems that there is no good, solid programming language that you can "compile once, run anywhere". It's an exclusivity thing, that's what all you business people are trying to push for. To run X you have to buy Y!

The only reason we have this problem is because in America, capitalism is encouraged! In 1970s Russia, people were prototyping Tetris, and other great 8-bit games of the era! They didn't have to worry about competition, they were paid by the government! Nowadays, Tetris is everywhere! Pong is everywhere! Nobody complains about not being able to run Pong! The funny thing is, Pong clones are still profitable! But then again, here we are back at profits! Why should I need money to get stuff I want? When I was a little boy, I could just ask for something and my mom would take care of it! I was so well taken care of that I often didn't ask for things because I was afraid she was sacrificing too much for me, but not this economy! Oh no, this economy has no sympathy or mercy or helping hands, no equality for those who have less or can do less, or even the average, middle class! It's all about the big business! Just more money for the big business!

General Discussion / A little shameless self-promotion
« on: October 23, 2010, 11:17:45 PM »
In case you didn't know, I'm working on a pretty pathetic "game library" for FreeBASIC, in an attempt to copy DarkBASIC's functionality. Hopefully it should help some of you out:


Also, I have developed a JavaScript library that emulates screen-level access, in a manner that is similar to DarkBASIC:


You may be wonder why I am doing this. Clearly, I love DarkBASIC. It has been the only language I have ever managed to bring a game to completion in. However, its attempts at cross-platform compatibility are pathetic. The company cares nothing about us Linux users, let alone people who can't afford commercial software.

That's what I'm all about. I'm booting Linux because I have no choice. I have to live boot because I smashed my hard drive out of blind rage, and if I buy a new one I'm afraid I will smash it again. I had a video about it, but it's gone now because I deleted my YouTube account, mainly because it made me the object of ridicule. Now I'm getting the same treatment on these forums.


I do this stuff for YOU. Why do you think I'm using FreeBASIC? I could just as easily use DarkBASIC on a different computer and possibly get more promotion by the games I make. I'm sticking to FreeBASIC because it's compatible. It compiles to other platforms. I hope you guys appreciate the fact that you can experience my content. I do it for the people.

All I want to do is put the work page as an image buffer but the program has a fucking seizure like it's the fucking hardest thing in the world. No, I'm not going to directly poke an image unless I can somehow get the gfxlib statements to recognize it also as a work page, which they won't. So then you're like "oh, well just copy the work page into an image buffer every single frame".

No, I will NOT.

(I might, but I expect a better solution. If you can't help me with my sound problem, at least try to help me with this.)

General Discussion / Mesa3D anyone?
« on: October 02, 2010, 05:07:12 PM »
The idea came to me- if I can't use my graphics card, why not just emulate it with a software library?

I know that Mesa3D implements OpenGL, possibly in pure software (depending on how it's built). I'd like a build of Mesa3D that runs in pure software mode for Windows. Does anyone have that or know where I can get it?

(No, I can't compile C++)

Programming / Sound?
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:57:14 PM »
So, it's that time again. Another user wants to put sound in his games. FMOD has an awful license, and DirectSound seems incredibly hard to use. I'm OK with Windows-only techniques, because I figure, if the Mac users have to use Wine, a Linux binary would be trivial and unappreciated. So, I've got a little code here- it works perfectly, but I'm not satisfied.

Code: [Select]
#ifdef __FB_WIN32__
    #include once "windows.bi"
    #include once "win\mmsystem.bi"


dim shared as string*2 closeTriggerString=chr$(255)+"k"
dim shared as ubyte spacekey=0
dim shared as uinteger vertical=0

screenres 640,480,32,2,&h00
screenset 1,0
width 640/8,480/14

public sub soundplay(byval sound as string)
end sub

public sub soundloop(byval sound as string)
end sub

public sub soundstop
end sub

public sub text(byval textX as integer,byval textY as integer,byval textData as string)
    draw string (textX,textY-1),textData
end sub

    if multikey(&h39) then
        if spacekey=1 then
            if vertical>=480 then
                cls 0
            end if
            'obviously you need bounce.wav
        end if
    end if
    if multikey(&h38) and multikey(&h3E) or inkey$()=closeTriggerString or multikey(&h01) then end

It only has one audio channel. Here are the options I'm considering:

a) Test winmm more thoroughly

b) Use FBSOUND (if you guys can give me help)

c) Use DirectSound (again, help!)

I can't find much information on waveOut, so I assume it's just for Windows CE and Vista+, correct? It seems complicated anyways, and it may be a part of winmm. So, I'll forget about waveOut.

What should I do? I'm really leaning towards either DirectSound or some winmm multichannel trick (even using the music track). Please give me some code or something to help me out. All I ask is that I have at least 2 audio channels to work with, so the sound experience isn't an ambient void.

General Discussion / Help with C?
« on: September 13, 2010, 02:19:47 PM »
I decided I should learn C. I have a little program here:

Code: [Select]
#include <stdio.h>

void print(char txt[255]){

void main(){

Basically, it #includes stdio (the standard C library), declares the print() subroutine, which calls stdio's printf function, and goes onto its main section, which calls print() with the string "hi". print() is supposed to print that onto the screen.

Right now, it's adding all the characters together, giving me an ASCII "D". This is because C converts everything to integers, and there is no string data type. char is a byte. I keep seeing many examples in which strings are used, however, so how do I do it? txt[] is a char array, and I'm not about ready to call printf("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c\n",txt[0],txt[1],txt[2],txt[3],txt[4],txt[5],txt[6],txt[7]) etc.


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