10.03.2019 - Round 1 results of our "A Love Letter For FreeBASIC" game dev competition have been published. Please be sure to check the results thread: http://games.freebasic.net/forum/index.php?topic=629.0. Don't forget that the competition is continuing with a round 2, lasting till 29th of April, 300 USD first prize. Stay tuned!


Which entry in the competition do you consider the best?

Adventure for Breakfast!
4 (30.8%)
Bad Cave Guy
1 (7.7%)
0 (0%)
Face Invaders 2020
1 (7.7%)
Plix TowerDefense
3 (23.1%)
Witchcraft Adventure
4 (30.8%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: January 24, 2011, 06:11:27 PM

Author Topic: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll (CLOSED!)  (Read 49276 times)

Lachie Dazdarian

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Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll (CLOSED!)
« on: January 17, 2011, 06:11:27 PM »
Please vote for one of the entries in the Gameplay Combo Competition. The entry with the highest number of votes will get 10 points, the next one 8, the third 6, and the last one 0. These points will be added to the remaining ones accumulated from other categories scored by me (82 + 10 points max).

The poll will run for 7 days, after which I will announce the winners (not more than a week after the poll closes).

The entries:

Adventure for Breakfast! by ssjx
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/abreakfast_v04.zip

Bad Cave Guy by Kristopher Windsor
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/badcaveguy.zip
Screenshot: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/badcaveguy.jpg

Chack by Mitchell
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/chack2.zip

Face Invaders 2020 by Brick Break
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/FaceInvaders2020.zip

Plix TowerDefense by Tusike
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/Plix TD 1.0.zip

Witchcraft Adventure by N3trunn3r
Download: http://games.freebasic.net/Competitions/Competition3/WitchcraftAdventure_ver11.zip

Fell free to comment the games in this thread.

Thank you for voting.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 02:50:09 PM by Lachie Dazdarian »
"Things like Basic and Free Basic provide much-needed therapy and a return to sanity and a correct appreciation of people. The arrogant folk really hate a word like 'Basic' - fine, and good riddance." ~ pragmatist

Brick Break

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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2011, 03:29:35 PM »
Well, of course I'm going to vote for myself. Who wouldn't? Like I said, it's a bad idea.

In the poll I'll vote for myself, but out here I'll vote for Chack.

It was my favorite.

EDIT: Also, I don't like the screenshots you gave of my game. They were bad. You provided my crappy title screen and the lesser of the two levels. At least you got the kewl laser effects. Here are the other two screens you'll see in the game:

« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 03:44:29 PM by Brick Break »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2011, 03:35:17 PM »
Can I vote for myself too? Participation is everything.

Lachie Dazdarian

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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2011, 03:38:15 PM »
I have no problem with that. One vote is just...one vote.
"Things like Basic and Free Basic provide much-needed therapy and a return to sanity and a correct appreciation of people. The arrogant folk really hate a word like 'Basic' - fine, and good riddance." ~ pragmatist

Brick Break

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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2011, 03:46:00 PM »
Can I vote for myself too? Participation is everything.
Hey what was your favorite game besides your own? I just thought we could all say which games we liked.

Chack was my favorite, as I wasn't able to play any others, but I really liked the looks of Witchcraft Adventure, and of course my own game is great. It's a shame ChangeV's never got finished, but he had a team, so meh.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 03:47:34 PM by Brick Break »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2011, 04:31:52 PM »
TBH I haven't played them yet. I probably will at some point, but maybe not long enough to thoroughly evaluate them.


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2011, 05:32:41 PM »
I like (and voted for) Adventure for Breakfast.
I am just the RPG type of player.


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2011, 06:50:51 PM »
"Adventure for Breakfast!"  - Make sure to include all your dependencies in the file. I shouldn't need to download FMOD.dll - That said I'm enjoying the game so far. A very nice, straightforward game. I enjoyed the various play modes (as per the competition requirement) and it didn't feel forced. Died a couple times by not thinking about the boulders that were above me, but was relieved to find I didn't have to start over. I think more could have been done to make getting items a puzzle, but overall an enjoyable play-through.

"BadCaveGuy" - When you first start a game, dying isn't exactly the best start. I die again tapping the space bar but the controls weren't responsive enough for me to notice any change. After a couple more deaths I try holding the space bar and I notice it's working. Awesome. Up to the point you enter the cave, it is running really fast - then you hit a wall and everything slows down. This gives the user the impression that their computer is lagging (even when it isn't the case). I try a couple times to get to the second part, but the time it takes and the difficulty of getting through the last small part wasn't worth spending more time. Edit: Tried it again, got past the first section: Then I'm shooting things.... but I can't shoot anything. After trying to shoot the thing shooting at me, everything goes through it. I get shot and die. I understand the concept, but I think it needs work.

"Chack" - So... after spending 5 minutes trying to figure out what the correct file to compile is and where to put it (I first headed the source/game/Main.bas - then Game.bas, then Source/Chack.bas - Success! Oh wait... when I run it, it doesn't do anything... I check exceptionLog.txt... cannot find files... oh okay, put the exe in the main Chack directory)... I finally get to the game. I click "help"....


Nothing? I then start the game. Oh, cool, a Chess variation. I start with my typical opening... I go to castle and... oh... You can't castle? Okay... I continue, and the AI makes a pretty big error. I go to capture and... suddenly, pong? A ball gets thrown at me so fast the screen is closed and my piece is gone before I can even react. I lose 3 pieces before I realize that I need to have my hand on the arrow keys and I can't use the mouse that I've been using the whole program. I press up, and my paddle shoots straight off the screen. I try a couple more times, but it is clear that the game has no timer management and is ultimately unplayable. I like the idea, but it is just not executed well.

"Face Invaders 2020" - Controls are intuitive and everything starts nice and easy to get you used to everything. While the graphics aren't exactly polished, they have their charm. I looked at the data files, and noticed two things: The title screen graphic that I assumed was stretched, and therefore blury, wasn't actually stretched at all. Here is a copy of your title screen, but with with some minor changes that I believe would make it look more polished. http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/706/titlei.png - These changes make the text much easier to read, and puts the spotlight on your lizard rather than covering him up. Also, I'd take a look at D.J.Peters' MultiPut function. That way you can just flip the sprite when the mouse moves across the screen rather than using two sprites.

I felt that this game, while playable, didn't necessarily feature multiple game modes. I felt like I was switching between two levels. Also, in the lizard level, it doesn't seem to give you any clue why the lizards disappear and you lose health. They just sort of vanish mid screen. After level 15, it felt like it had sped up a little more,[edit: I went full screen around level 15, and that was the cause for the speed increase. Not full screen, it is a bit slower] but by level 50 I really didn't feel much changing at all. I could quickly click and drag across the lizards and click the faces no problem. I think after level 20 or so, you should add a 3rd face, and a 3rd lizard, then continuing to add them as you get further into the game. Also, I think taking less damage, but not recovering health between each stage would make it a bit more challenging. Enjoyable though.

"Plix TowerDefense" - After spending a couple minutes getting used to the controls, I must say I'm pretty impressed with this game. It feels like it moves at a good tempo and the shape of the path is nice. It rewards players for putting turrets in good positions. At times I feel certain towers like the radiation/poison tower didn't give enough feedback to the player. At first you think that it simply isn't doing anything, and it isn't until the later upgrades where you can really get feedback that the radiation is doing damage over time. Maybe some initial damage plus damage over time would help with that. The shooting range at first is very small... maybe a little too small as it puts a new player right next to danger for the first round or so. As a side note, when I alt+tab out, I can't seem to get back into the game. Hitting 'enter' next to the red portal (thing at the bottom of the screen?) didn't do anything. Also, if you're going to include a *.doc file, use some formatting. If you're going to use just plain text, leave it a *.txt :p | That aside, very enjoyable and polished. I do think that the theme of 'Gameplay Combination' could have been explored more and done in a more innovative fashion. That said I do like both modes of play.

"Witchcraft Adventure" - Having an engine puts this game at a bit of a head start over the competition. That said, it is easy to tell a good amount of work went into this game. One thing I notice off the bat is the small resolution. I'm all for low-resolution games, but an option to do a simple 2X scale is a very simple solution and helps people with larger monitors not have to squint the whole time. I have a 1920x1200 monitor, and unfortunately, whenever I tried to go full screen, it would kick me out into windowed mode.

Those details aside, the game plays well. The old man I think should explain food and water a bit more, maybe mentioning the meters and that you lose health if you run out. Walking around in the first level getting hurt every step isn't very fun. Maybe some sort of visual cue on the meter might help as well. When trying to combine wax and string to make a candle, nothing I tried worked. I hit space bar first, I picked them up, hit enter and place one on top of the other and hit space, I hit space on both items, dropped an item and pressed space... nothing worked. Also, hitting the 'del' key to bring up the map didn't do anything. The puzzles and graphics are nicely done and I'd love to try it again with those things working. Oh, also, occasionally the graphics would glitch - for example, at the first water fountain thing, I'd use it, turn around to head the other direction, and the fountain would stay in front of me until I moved to another square. I also enjoyed the play between the alive and ghost modes. Fits very well into the theme of the contest.

I enjoyed going over and playing the entries. If I sounded a bit rough at all, it is nothing personal, it is simply critiques that I think would help improve the game play or quality of the entries. I will leave my vote confidential for right now, but I will say I will be voting for the one I feel fit the theme well and demonstrated solid game play. I'll have to join in the next contest!
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 03:04:44 AM by Conexion »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2011, 08:11:00 PM »
Adventure for Breakfast wouldn't run. Missing DLL's.....
Plix has some issue with the mouse coordinates. Nothing seems to line up on my computer.

WitchCraft Adventure is very polished! I'm impressed. Good attention to detail, right down to the icon for the executable. Nice!

« Last Edit: January 18, 2011, 08:12:13 PM by vdecampo »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2011, 08:25:19 PM »
LMK if I should host any more dependencies.

Brick Break

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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2011, 08:37:05 PM »
It looks like Witchcraft Adventure is winning. Would it be suspicious if I went and made a bunch of fake accounts to vote for my own?


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2011, 09:59:32 PM »
LMK if I should host any more dependencies.

Good idea, thanks for putting that up.


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2011, 11:40:32 PM »
This will be difficult with the game not working on any other computer than mine... does it have to do with the 1280*800 resolution? or what could possibly be the problem with the mouse? I'm sorry to hear it doesn't work.


@vdecampo: you have the source, in mouse.lib perhaps you can change getmouse to something else that works?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 10:27:04 AM by Tusike »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2011, 01:37:52 AM »
Ah.. On my site i have a link to fmod seperately (to reduce the download size) which it why it was not included in the zip hosted here.. Thanks for the fmod link KW. The fmod download on my site is on the project page here: http://ssjx.co.uk/windows/breakfast.php

« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 01:40:24 AM by ssjx »


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Re: Gameplay Combo Competition Community Poll
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2011, 10:24:00 AM »

"Hitting 'enter' next to the red portal (thing at the bottom of the screen?) didn't do anything."

I sure hoped you noticed the difference between Vanilla and Advanced game mode! If you were playing Advanced, I really can't think of any reason your shooter didn't appear at the other screen, seeing as all other controls worked fine for you. Anyway, thanks for the rating and I'm glad you enjoyed the game:)
