10.03.2019 - Round 1 results of our "A Love Letter For FreeBASIC" game dev competition have been published. Please be sure to check the results thread: http://games.freebasic.net/forum/index.php?topic=629.0. Don't forget that the competition is continuing with a round 2, lasting till 29th of April, 300 USD first prize. Stay tuned!

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Messages - Brick Break

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 27
General Discussion / Re: Google plus beta invites.. I haz them ;)
« on: July 15, 2011, 11:22:41 PM »
What is wrong with you anyway? What gives you the right to be so damn rude to crysstaafur?

I get so many fucking google plus invites in my mailbox, I see that shit all over 4chan, the Google homepage advertises it, it's bullshit! Who would make a thread about this, unless their intent was to get ostracized from the forum as an outcast from the lowest depths of primate devolution? As if Google itself isn't bad enough. You people need to GET A FUCKING LIFE. Get a grip on yourself, you hypocritical wanker.

General Discussion / Re: Google plus beta invites.. I haz them ;)
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:08:05 PM »
I am NOT interested, you corporate-minded waste of fucking life.

General Discussion / Re: I am PISSED at Gamespot's review of games
« on: July 09, 2011, 10:48:52 PM »
You seem to completely have missunderstod the concept of reviews. It's the reviewers personal opinion. It may not converge with your own opinion.
I can excuse the reviews of Extermination and City Crisis. They're Japanese games, and as such how can you give them a great/accurate review?
Yes, I understand that japanese games that have been translated to english is hard for an english speaking person to give a fair review...

Sure, XBox's graphics are superior, but they seem to have the PS2 and GameCube confused. PS2 is way better than GameCube, but they seem to think the complete opposite!
They are absolutely correct. The GameCube is a more powerful machine than the Playstation 2.

Also, I don't like how they go with the pop culture. Red Faction is a popular game, but is it as good as Half-Life? No! It rips off Half-Life! They also say that Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best game. It's not! I've found more enjoyment with Halo, as a lot of people have, and Half-Life is even better than Halo, so what's so great about OOT?
Personal opinions.

I think one of the problems may be that they're trying to be family friendly and name games that "everyone will enjoy"- everyone except me! There are so many old faggots on there that probably started their professional careers in the age when Atari 2600 was around, and yet they never give nod to the great Atari 2600 games! They're simplistic, glitchy, and fun, but instead Gamespot has to go ranking on some Xbox 360 game like it has "bad graphics". Are graphics that are 5 years outdated bad? No! Are graphics that are 15 years outdated bad? Certainly! Ocarnia of Time has terrible graphics!
Ocarina of Time dont have bad graphics for a N64 game...
If you dont like gamespot dont go there, I don't. It's as simple as that.

There's nothing wrong with complaining. In all fairness, I enjoy the site for the few ironic reviews they have on there. I am surprised that they review games that existed before the widespread use of the WWW, hence GameSpot, and yet not ones that are so old that they are no longer marketable. Compare that to the Angry Video Game Nerd, who reviews games for ironic reasons, and thus has a high comedic value to all of his videos.

General Discussion / I am PISSED at Gamespot's review of games
« on: July 07, 2011, 07:39:03 PM »
They game Socom: US Navy SEALs an 8.9. 8.9! That game's fucking horrible! And Jak 2 a 9.1. It's a good game, but not that good.

I can excuse the reviews of Extermination and City Crisis. They're Japanese games, and as such how can you give them a great/accurate review?

Still though, Gamespot doesn't give nods to the sexuality or culture of the games. For instance, Future Tactics is British. Fucking British! All of the characters speak with thick accents, and nobody seems to notice? Also, they don't even mention the hot girls in Jak 2 and 3, and yet they play up From Russia With Love as being full of hot women. It's not!

In the end, Gamespot is an unreliable site with a bunch of different reviewers who don't even get around to reviewing all the games. Why not just have one guy review a complete platform? Instead, they go comparing the graphics between versions. Sure, XBox's graphics are superior, but they seem to have the PS2 and GameCube confused. PS2 is way better than GameCube, but they seem to think the complete opposite!

Also, I don't like how they go with the pop culture. Red Faction is a popular game, but is it as good as Half-Life? No! It rips off Half-Life! They also say that Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best game. It's not! I've found more enjoyment with Halo, as a lot of people have, and Half-Life is even better than Halo, so what's so great about OOT?

I think one of the problems may be that they're trying to be family friendly and name games that "everyone will enjoy"- everyone except me! There are so many old faggots on there that probably started their professional careers in the age when Atari 2600 was around, and yet they never give nod to the great Atari 2600 games! They're simplistic, glitchy, and fun, but instead Gamespot has to go ranking on some Xbox 360 game like it has "bad graphics". Are graphics that are 5 years outdated bad? No! Are graphics that are 15 years outdated bad? Certainly! Ocarnia of Time has terrible graphics!

Now, please answer my question from another site:
What firstperson PS2 game doesn't make you do anything and has sex and shooting and a level editor and online play and humor and great graphics and stuff and ISN'T a movie?

General Discussion / Thoughts on aliens
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:48:55 PM »
We know what we know, but why don't those assholes come down and say hello? They can travel over here, they have traveled over here, and they can probably speak our language, I mean why not, right?

Religion generally speaks in terms of frames of reality, but aliens are concrete! Aliens exist within this frame of reality! Aliens are there, close enough that they could travel here, and they probably have, but why not abduct more people? Make themselves known? Something?

The only way to bring yourself to a full realization of the concept of reality is to kill yourself, but to make contact with aliens, you can use rational, scientific means.

Aliens are NOT figments of our imagination! If we tried a little harder, we could talk to them! We could request they take us on trips! We're probably an object of fascination to them!

I'm not talking about giant gas clouds or other bullshit like that. I'm talking about humanoid beings. Advanced, carbon-based life forms. They come from other planets and have space ships. Sure, we're advanced carbon-based humanoid beings with space ships, but they've come all the way over here! Another galaxy is a lot further than the moon! In fact, I think they are in this galaxy! I think they are within a few solar systems of us, maybe one! Maybe they are just one solar system away, watching us through telescopes, taking trips here, and are partaking in intergalactic commerce! Like Eve Online or even Star Wars! They hop in their space ship like we hop in a car! Easy! We're probably just a step away from participating in intergalactic business. We will sell the center of the universe to the highest bidder. He will use that power to give us eternal life.

General Discussion / Re: Java question
« on: May 07, 2011, 01:46:11 PM »
Windows 95 was out then; Java isn't that old!

Anyhow, I just want some help. Somebody help!

General Discussion / Re: Java question
« on: May 05, 2011, 04:40:26 PM »
1996 is gone. Get over it.
I don't miss 1996. I just want to make this work.

General Discussion / Re: Java question
« on: May 04, 2011, 05:39:13 PM »
Aren't we on java 1.6 or something? I was in the same situation as KW when 1.0 came out.
We all were. I think the problem is that my mouse events aren't interrupting my sleeps, and I'm not catching anything because I don't know what the hell to do. If I allowed an interrupt, the game would jolt every time someone clicked. So, I think I have to use the Timer class. The trouble is that I want to implement DarkBASIC's syntax, in which the sync command sleeps the game the appropriate time, NOT a timer loop.

In short, Java doesn't do what I want, or I just don't know enough.

EDIT: ScheduleAtFixedRate is 1.3 apparently! I suppose I will have to use Thread.sleep(), but how do I make it respond to control input? Here's a simple example of what doesn't work:

Code: [Select]

//class blah blah blah

//paint function
//get graphics context etc.
//draw stuff, say whether or not mouse is clicked (doesn't  work)
try{Thread.sleep(s);}catch(InterruptedException e){}

public boolean mouseDown(/*stuff*/){
return true;

public boolean mouseUp(/*stuff*/){
return true;

Or something like that.

General Discussion / Re: Java question
« on: May 03, 2011, 04:52:24 PM »
Your friend is asking about an issue with a version of Java that came out in 1996? I was learning to read at that time, so how would I know? :P
Because it's not a friend, it's me, and you're my last hope. This thing has been bugging me forever, and so I expect some kind of answer from somebody. Please!

General Discussion / Java question
« on: April 29, 2011, 11:47:21 AM »
Hey everybody, sorry about the bad reputation and all. Water under the bridge, right?

Anyhow, I have this friend who's asking questions on the internet about why Java 1.0 mouse events aren't working in Internet Explorer. I think I know the answer, but just to be sure I'd like to see if there's a workaround. Can any of you make it work? He doesn't want to use Java 1.1.

I'm thinking more like 1989. You know, the days of text-based browsing.
Not DOS terminal, I hope.

I frankly like the retro look. Do we need a new system?
I like the idea of a retro-style theme. I was thinking of something with a web 2.0 sort of look (a bit like bored.com), but with some retro-game-style inspiration. I'm not too great at web design, but I'll see what I can come up with.
*dramatic clap*

Well, great. I think this forum is a perfect example of what you're going for.

EDIT: By retro, I meant 1999. You didn't intend to make it look like a jukebox, did you?

I disallow some file extensions for security. I'm fairly sure an uploaded HTML page could use JS to steal the Jafile login credentials. Of course, PHP could do worse with access to the file system.
The file gets a '.txt' extension because that is the default, and I require an extension for all files.
JavaScript could not steal login credentials unless somebody visited a user's page and either logged in from an iframe or opened a new window containing the login form from a link clicked there, both very unlikely.

I have jobs, scholarships, parents, etc. :P
Well, this is a great service for the community. May I ask why all .htm files are renamed to .txt?

But if it had Ads, then this would be spam. :D
Good point. How are you paying for it, though? Even I have ads on my site.

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