Axiebal 7 is a brilliant top-down ball controlling game similar to Rock 'n' Roll. The gameplay a mixture of puzzle and action with levels requiring from you to jump to pass various hazardous paths and/or use bombs intelligently on right places or in right order. The goal of each level is to collect all the flags in it and find the exit. The game comes with 50 challenging levels featuring different graphics and design, and later introducing new gameplay elements. In total they provide some 6 hours of play time.
The strongest side of Axiebal 7 is its great design. Everything is so well compiled in this game, from presentation, well designed menus, smooth and impeccable game engine, fun and non-intrusive music, small graphics effects, superb speech messages (really awesome), to clever gameplay elements (like the smart in-level save feature, ability to skip levels but only 9 of them total, time-based scoring, game memorizing all your individual level scores, ...).
It’s not a perfect game though. The in-game graphics do look somewhat too tiled and maybe slightly not varied enough. Also, the level design is not the best, with challenge not growing correctly, some levels being too tricky and tedious, and the total sum of levels not fully exploiting all possibilities of the concept. Also, the choice of having to hold enter for the playfield to zoom out is not the best.
The game comes with a very user-friendly level editor.
Overall, one of the best FreeBASIC games released.